“Pretty Woman,” released in 1990, is a beloved romantic comedy that has left an indelible mark on the world of cinema. Starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, the film tells the story of a wealthy businessman who falls in love with a prostitute he meets on Hollywood Boulevard. Central to the film’s appeal was the charismatic performance of Richard Gere, but how old was he when he portrayed the suave and wealthy Edward Lewis? In this article, we will delve into Richard Gere’s age during the filming of “Pretty Woman” and the impact of his portrayal on the film’s enduring popularity.
Richard Gere’s Age in “Pretty Woman”:
At the time of filming “Pretty Woman,” Richard Gere was born on August 31, 1949. The production of the movie took place in the late 1980s, and it was released in 1990. This places Richard Gere’s age at around 40-41 years old during the filming and release of the movie.
Gere’s age was significant in the context of the film. His character, Edward Lewis, is a successful and wealthy businessman who finds himself in an unexpected romantic entanglement with Vivian Ward, portrayed by Julia Roberts. The age difference between the two characters is alluded to in the film, with Vivian referring to Edward as “older.” The film doesn’t explicitly state their ages, but the implication is that there is a notable age gap between them.
This age difference adds a layer of complexity to the story, as it represents a clash of two very different worlds: Edward’s world of privilege and Vivian’s life as a sex worker. The contrast in their life experiences and stages is central to the film’s exploration of love and connection transcending societal norms.
The Impact of Richard Gere’s Performance:
Richard Gere’s portrayal of Edward Lewis in “Pretty Woman” was pivotal to the film’s success. His charismatic and suave performance as the wealthy businessman endeared the character to audiences. Gere’s ability to convey the transformation of Edward from a cold, emotionally distant businessman to a vulnerable man who falls in love was a testament to his acting prowess.
The age difference between Gere and Julia Roberts, who was 21 years old at the time of filming, contributed to the film’s dynamic. It created a contrast in life experiences, allowing the characters to learn from each other and challenge their preconceived notions about love. Gere’s portrayal of a mature, successful man navigating an unexpected romantic connection with a much younger woman resonated with many viewers.
“Pretty Woman” was a significant commercial success and played a crucial role in establishing Richard Gere as a leading man in romantic films. His chemistry with Julia Roberts was palpable, and their on-screen romance has become iconic. Gere’s age in the film added depth to his character, emphasizing the transformation of Edward from a cold-hearted businessman to someone capable of love and vulnerability.
The Enduring Legacy of “Pretty Woman”:
“Pretty Woman” continues to be celebrated and adored by audiences around the world. Its timeless appeal is a testament to the compelling performances of the cast, including Richard Gere’s portrayal of Edward Lewis. The film not only explores themes of love, transformation, and connection but also challenges societal norms and stereotypes.
Richard Gere’s age in the film was just one element that contributed to its charm. The movie’s memorable moments, witty dialogue, and the enchanting chemistry between Gere and Roberts have made it a classic in the romantic comedy genre. It has also left a lasting impact on popular culture, with references to the film appearing in various forms of media over the years.
In Conclusion:
Richard Gere was around 40-41 years old when he portrayed Edward Lewis in “Pretty Woman.” His age added depth and complexity to the character, emphasizing the contrast between Edward’s world of privilege and Vivian’s life as a sex worker. Gere’s charismatic performance, along with the chemistry between the lead actors, played a pivotal role in the film’s enduring popularity and status as a beloved classic in the romantic comedy genre. “Pretty Woman” continues to captivate audiences with its timeless story of love transcending societal norms, and Richard Gere’s age in the film remains a notable aspect of its enduring legacy.