Whenever we say we admire someone, we mean to adulate or respect them. We are admiring them for their skills, or their qualities, or their achievements. In fact, in many cases, we actually lionize them.
Using the definition of respect, we can see that it is a feeling of admiration for something. We can admire the talent of a person, the way he or she acts, or even the accomplishments of a person. However, we should not take a person’s place in the organization into consideration when we admire him or her.
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the meaning of admiration is to regard with wonder or with pleasure. It can also be used as a synonym for astonishment, pleasure, and appreciation.
The word admiration is derived from the word admire, which is pronounced like ah-ray-tah. It is an intransitive verb meaning to admire, to regard with pleasure or approval, or to marvel at.
Taking a look at the American Heritage Dictionary’s glossary of verbs, you can glean that the ilk of the sexiest verb in English isn’t really that much of a task. For instance, there are no gendered words like “female”, “woman”, or “female” in this lexicon. The aforementioned adjectives are relegated to the aforementioned lexicons. Fortunately, the aforementioned verbs do not carry a hefty price tag, if you are looking for the best deal. The next time you are at the aforementioned lexicon, be sure to do your homework. Otherwise, you could end up on the short list of naughty ladies.
adulate is a word that is used to praise or admire someone. It means to praise or admire someone in an over-emphatic way. A person can adulate a famous person or a sports figure. They can adulate a musical icon or a WOW detective. This is usually done in a servile way.
It is a term that was first developed in English in the 15th century. It is related to the verb adulari, which means to fawn upon or gratify vanity.
The etymology of adulate has been the subject of some debate, although it is believed to be from the Latin adulos, which is derived from the PIE *ul- “tail” and the Sanskrit valah, meaning tail-hair. It is thought that adulation comes from the desire for a higher station in life.
Using the word lionize in a sentence or two should do the trick. In a nutshell, this is the act of acquiescing to someone in the lion’s den. The lion ain’t exactly a prince, but he is a prince when he chooses to be. The good news is that most of his followers aren’t so eager to follow suit. The bad news is that you might have to pay a hefty price to get out of there.
The biggest challenge in attempting to do this is to avoid retribution for the aforementioned sin. A good way to get around this is to find a group of like-minded individuals who have a similar mindset and have the patience of a saint. Alternatively, a more structured approach can be achieved through a series of “collisions”.
Among the Dravidian family, Kannada is the official language of Karnataka and is also spoken by linguistic minorities in other states. In 2011, there were about 43 million speakers of the language. It is one of the scheduled languages of India. The earliest records of Kannada date back to the 6th century AD. The earliest literary work in the language is Kavirajamarga (c. 850). The earliest Kannada manuscripts are largely poems on religious subjects written by the Jaina authors.
The Lingayat Hindu sect replaced Jainism as the main religious influence in Kannada literature. The most popular Lingayat works were devotional poems to Siva. Most were simple in style and meant to be sung.