A successful recruiter comes armed with a variety of skills and different tools that aid their work. Here we shall briefly go over a few of the prominent recruiting tools – recruitment software system, skills testing software, e-signature tool, and video calling software.
Staffing agencies who want to secure the best candidates for the hiring companies want the best recruiters who will work hard to ensure good results. And smart agencies are proactive about providing their consultants with the best tools. The modern hiring process is not complete without great technical support.
1.Recruitment software system
There are multiple benefits to utilising this software such as –
- Helps streamline the work process
- Provides easy access to all data
- Boosts communication with candidates
- Supports comprehensive compliance
- Automates most admin work
Recruiters who leverage this tool will find that their entire recruiting process has been optimised. They can work faster, better and smarter. In fact, they can achieve more by doing less through recruitment software.
As recruiting is a hectic and competitive industry, recruiters need as much support as possible from the tools they use. And it is CRM software that provides a great deal of assistance. This tool is also the nexus of all the recruiting tools used by recruiters. When selecting a good recruitment agency software, it is imperative to confirm that it can function smoothly with the vital tools.
2. Skills testing software
With hundreds of applications coming through for a single job role, recruiters can’t avoid filtering candidates. And they do it through various means – reviewing CVs, checking cover letters, interviews, etc. Skill assessment tests are a tried and tested method to determine the suitability of an applicant is for a role.
Skills testing software hosts a wide range of tests encompassing popular ones like Literacy, Numeracy to Data Entry and Accounting exams. The tests run from Basic to Intermediate and Advanced levels. These indicate that recruiters can use these assessments to evaluate candidates for every kind of role.
Online skills testing has slowly started to replace on-site testing. These tests are easy to administer, too. Once recruiters decide which of the assessments they’re sending to their candidates, they will select and email the test links straight from the skills testing software. Results are available immediately once the candidates complete their tests. The results give recruiters an edge over their rivals as they can use the results as concrete proof of their candidates’ abilities and potential. Agencies make sure this software integrates with their in-house recruitment software as it makes access and record-keeping smooth and convenient.
3. E-signature tool
E-signature tools are agile, effortless ways to get important documents signed and approved via the internet. Gone are the days when one would need contracts and documents physically signed.
This software is crucial when recruiters work remotely and need contracts signed quickly by candidates and clients.
Instead of waiting for days or even weeks to deliver documents from one place to another, it becomes effortless to upload a copy of the file online and get it approved. These e-signature software systems are effortless to use.
4. Video calling software
Recruitment agencies have had to adopt video interviews in the last year due to the global outbreak. This has led to everyone being aware of how important video calling software systems are to recruiters.
Even without the threat of a worldwide disease, for remote recruiters, this type of software is mandatory by the very nature of their work. As they do not work physically from the office and might be far away from candidates, they will require a video calling software system to help them interview and assess applicants swiftly.
It improves efficiency and productivity. And it is not only exceptional for directly evaluating candidates but effective for maintaining a connection with colleagues. Many recruitment software systems nowadays ensure that they work easily with different video calling software solutions.