Do you have a hard time smiling because you’re embarrassed by how you look? Do you shy away from exposing your pearly whites in photographs or at job interviews? Dental veneers are a viable option when concealing flaws in your smile, like discoloured, chipped, or malformed teeth. Cosmetic dentistry procedures such as Veneers have numerous advantages making them so popular.
What Are the Types of Dental Veneers?
Porcelain veneer and resin composite veneer are two forms of dental veneer. However, the porcelain veneer is more resistant to staining, unlike resin veneer; unlike resin veneer, these products best mimic Light-reflecting qualities. For the most excellent results, consult with your dentist about which type of veneer material is right for you.
Using veneers, you can quickly and effectively improve the appearance of a tooth.
A porcelain veneer, a fragile piece of medical-grade porcelain, is placed over teeth to improve the aesthetics of a smile. Patients can choose from various styles and colours to achieve the best possible results. It mimics the natural appearance of teeth by reflecting light in the same manner that natural enamel does. They’re also stain-resistant, making them an ideal option for those who want to appear flawless. Porcelain veneer is a simple and practical approach to remedy severe cosmetic issues with your teeth.
Dental veneers give the illusion of a genuine smile.
Depending on the complexity of the procedure, more than one appointment may be required. During your first consultation, the dentist will take an impression of your tooth and send it to a dental laboratory. Your teeth will feel and look normal again once the veneer is installed.
Porcelain veneers are a quick and painless way to improve the appearance of your smile.
Lumina Dental, a dental clinic in Pyrmont, Australia notes that dental veneers are one of the most common reasons a patient will make an appointment. The dental veneer is also a minimally intrusive procedure compared to other forms of dental restoration. First, the dentist will remove ½ millimetres from the front surface of the treated teeth, which is a lot less than what would be removed for a crown. Then, only after the tooth surface has been shaved down, each veneer layer is glued into place. The dentist may have to make minor changes to the veneer size or colour to get the most natural-looking veneer possible.
Veneers are durable and long-lasting.
Porcelain veneer is long-lasting and resistant to deterioration and discolouration. In addition, the non-porous nature of the surface means that they are more stain and cavity-resistant than your natural tooth enamel. With proper care, maintaining a dental veneer can last from 10 to 15 years.
Teeth can be whitened permanently with porcelain veneers.
In contrast to natural teeth, a veneer is impervious to stains caused by coffee consumption and smoking. If you’re seeking a more long-term option for teeth whitening, they are an excellent choice because they can be used with teeth bleaching or replace dental crowns for better effects.
The process of caring for dental veneers is simple and easy.
To maintain a dental veneer, you don’t need to do anything unusual or time-consuming. Keeping your teeth is as simple as brushing and flossing. At the very least, you should clean your teeth twice a day and floss once a day.
Veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth. Medical grade Veneers installed on the front surfaces of teeth reflect light, mimicking the teeth’s natural appearance. The porcelain veneer is a safe and easy way to improve the look of your smile. A dental veneer can last up to 15 years if properly managed. All you need to do to keep your teeth healthy is brush and floss twice a day.