Cloud computing is a concept that allows computing services to be offered through the Internet. It is a new model for providing technology services, which enables the user to access a catalog of standardized services and respond with them to the needs of your business flexibly and adaptively. In the event of unforeseen demands or work peaks, the system pays only for the consumption made or even free of charge in the case of suppliers that are financed through advertising or non-profit organizations.
The cloud storage solution is a new way of providing information processing and secure cloud data storage and services, valid both for a company and an individual.
Cloud storage solutions allow the user to optimize the allocation and cost of the resources associated with their information processing needs. The user does not need to make investments in infrastructure but rather uses the secure cloud data storage made available by the service provider, guaranteeing that lack or excess resources are not generated and the extra cost associated with said situations.
Depending on the model used, the data may not be in the hands of the contractor since ownership, maintenance, and management of the physical support of the information, processes, and communications may be in the hands of third parties.
The service provider can be located practically anywhere globally. Its ultimate goal will be to provide the services above by optimizing its resources through, for example, offshoring practices, resource sharing, mobility, or additional subcontracting.
One of the only disadvantages is that the business data does not reside in the company’s facilities, which could generate a context of high vulnerability for the theft or theft of information. But with secure cloud data storage, security of the data that the person responsible for the file, and, where appropriate, the person in charge of the treatment must adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. It also contemplates that personal data will not be recorded in files that do not meet the conditions determined by regulation concerning its integrity and security and those of treatment centers, premises, equipment, systems, and programs.
On the other hand, the cloud storage solutions providers will have access to the person’s data in charge of the file due to the execution of said service. They must adopt the necessary measures that guarantee the security of the data. It is therefore essential to define the functions of these data processors, using a contract signed between the parties in which, among other things, the possible subcontracting of service, the destination, conservation, or, where appropriate, destruction of the data is established once the processing has been completed between the parties, etc.
The reallocation of “data in the cloud.”
It is important to identify which cloud providers are located within the area or in countries that, in one way or another, guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data. This location affects the cloud provider’s headquarters and the location of each of the physical resources used to implement the service, directly or outsourced. Due to the very nature of the cloud service, the data can be anywhere.
It is important to highlight that the transfer is undoubtedly one of the most complicated situations to regulate personal data protection legally. At the same time, together with data transfers are one of the most critical in how sanctions correspond. Likewise, if the service is provided by companies located in the United States that have subscribed to the Safe Harbor principles, they provide adequate guarantees.
Finally, remember that not all cloud storage solutions and services and providers are the same, nor are the possible relationships between clients and providers. Clouds can be classified according to various criteria and data protection regulations. These implementation modalities affect the processing of personal data to comply with all the guarantees imposed by the Law.
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