Anxiety and sleeplessness go hand-in-hand, like converse sides of a nasty coin. The more anxious you become, the less you sleep. Then, having too little rest further augments the effects of anxiety. It’s a vicious circle.
One foundational consideration is physical comfort as you sleep. For people who are having a tough time on an uncomfortable mattress, it’s high time for a change. It’s the right time to peruse a blog post from US-Mattress to solve that issue, once and for all.
Setting Times
For many, though, the issue runs deeper. There are structural problems at play for a lot of folks, and these should be addressed. Figuring out a set of good habits can do no harm and may very well do all the good in the world.
Setting an alarm that we adhere to is a big part of most people’s lives, but few think about other elements of their routine. Adhering to a set sleeping time is every bit as important as is maintaining a specific eating schedule, and so on.
Things to Avoid
Some of the most popular foods and drinks out there are not only harmful to sleep cycles but can also radically heighten anxiety. Caffeine and alcohol have been proven to do both of these things, but they’re only the most obvious ones.
Chocolate, sugary drinks, heavily spiced foods, and many others can also contribute to sleeplessness. The effects vary from person to person, but it’s well worth experimenting with abstinence from these, particularly as the afternoons fade into evening.
It may seem like we’re being killjoys here, but the effects of routinely taking in substances like strong alcohol are widely understood in scientific literature. It’s clear that reducing certain practices is a very effective way of reducing anxiety, and therefore also sleeplessness.
Helpful Habits
Looked at a certain way, life is a process. The same is true of mental wellbeing, and so it’s appropriate to consider the problem as a holistic one. Developing wholesome and healthy habits contributes to a general sense of wellness and even optimism.
For example, many people have the social habit of consuming alcoholic drinks almost daily. Reducing this intake to certain days of the week is already a fantastic step towards bettering your outlook and even reducing feelings of anxiety.
Similarly, instilling practices like reading an old-fashioned book before bedtime rather than on a screen can be effective. Just a half-hour directly before bed, switch off your devices and go retro. It may work wonders for you!
Final Word
It should be clear that these lifestyle changes are only effective for moderate and mild instances of sleeplessness and anxiety. For those who experience clinical levels of anxiety or insomnia, medical advice is strongly recommended.
In the sense of general wellness, instilling positive elements of self-care seems like a good idea in almost all contexts, surely. These elements can’t do any harm and may very well have many positive outcomes, even in areas of your life you hadn’t fully considered.