After a long summer filled with family fun and activities, it’s time to prepare for another round of school runs! We all know how stressful getting the kids up, dressed and fed can be, especially with the added pressure of checking that they have all of the right books and have done their homework. Get back into the swing of things by digging out the biodegradable sandwich bags and ironing their uniforms, ready for another busy term (and some well earnt peace and quiet!).
To help you get prepared for another hectic start to term, we have pulled together some of our top tips that you can get a head start on. We recommend getting yourselves prepped a week or two in advance as there is nothing worse than the last minute rush when the shelves are bare and the kids are getting fed up of going from store to store. As well as ensuring they are kitted out and ready, making some fun out of it may even leave your little ones eager to get to school on Monday morning!
1. Maintain a consistent sleeping pattern
It can be tricker to stick to early bedtimes during the school holidays so getting back to normal in the run up to a new term can ease them back into it. Instead of giving in and letting them watch that extra episode or spending long evenings socialising into the night, stick to a set ‘lights out’ time so they get plenty of rest before heading back to school. As well as making it a nightmare to get them out of bed in the morning, you may find that a bad night of sleep reduces their productivity and concentration the next day.
2. Make the school shop fun
It’s that time of year where the supermarket aisles are brimming with shiny new stationery and the uniform shop is queueing out of the door! To get your children more excited at the concept, make your day to the shops full of fun games so they can pick out their new equipment with pride and look forward to packing their school bag. Whether you write a checklist and encourage them to find all of the items treasure hunt style or incentivise them with a stylish new pencil case or bag of their choice for good behaviour, make a day out of it!
3. Think outside of the timetable
Once your child hears about all of the exciting extra curricular activities on offer and wants to join their friends at after school events, the school run schedule is up in the air! Before term starts, have a look through the different clubs, sports teams and community projects that are being run after school so you can start to plan your week in advance. Especially where child care or work commitments are concerned, putting plans into place will ensure both you and your little ones can find a timetable that works so they can get stuck into their favourite activities.