There are so many SEO practices, tips, and tricks available over the Internet and it can easily overwhelm anyone who is new to this domain. As Google and other search engines’ algorithms keep on changing, the strategies also keep getting optimized accordingly.
In this article, we will have a look at the top five completely outdated SEO practices that are of no use and you should ignore them without giving a second thought.
1. Focusing too much on keywords
Keywords are among the most important aspects of SEO services but they are not the optimization process entirely. There are several other important things like user experience (UX) that is more important than this. In 2021, you need to focus more on improving the overall user experience and not the keywords density per page.
Google’s RankBrain algorithm is a perfect example of understanding the importance of UX. According to expert SEO Services Belfast Google ranks websites and webpages base on the context and usability of a page. To thrive online, you need to work on making the UX better rather than stuffing the keywords to fill up the content.
2. Creating pages for every keyword
Earlier this concept used to work really well but as the search algorithms are getting highly smarter and intelligent, this strategy won’t work for anyone. There is no use in making ten different pages for ten different main keywords as it will not add that much value to the users.
Instead of doing this, create a single page and try to deliver more value by creating long-form and problem-solving content. Do proper keyword research and create a compelling page for catering to your users’ requirements in a better way. When you prepare long-form content that has multiple keywords, the chances of ranking gets much higher. By visiting the site how to start seo business.
3. Content quantity over quality
This strategy will also not work in 2021 and beyond so there is no need of making low-quality content in bulk. Instead of posting ten blogs per week, focus on posting only 2 but high-quality blogs that can add value to the readers’ lives.
Make the content as engaging as possible and keep the interactive where it’s good to do so. So, while creating the next content calendar, make sure you are focusing more on quality and not quantity. If you can increase both, then it will work as a catalyst in driving more traffic.
4. Not using social media
Earlier brands used to think that only their website is enough to create a presence among the audience, but this idea is outdated in today’s SEO practices. Social signals are among the top priority ranking factors that you can’t miss. Figure out which social platforms are working well for your brand and be consistent while pushing content.
Prepare a dedicated calendar for social media and keep experimenting with the content that you are posting. To save time, you can also use automation tools to schedule your posts and they will get pushed on the pre-set time.
5. Ignoring the site’s technical functionalities
The last but important thing that won’t work today is ignoring the technical aspects of your site. Google and other search engines emphasize an error-free experience to their users. And to accomplish this, conduct frequent technical audits and make sure everything is working fine and flawless.
You can use any good SEO tool to check all the issues or improvements for your site and get them fixed as soon as possible.
These were the top five outdated SEO practices that you should ignore completely and plan better optimization practices for your site. If you don’t have an in-house team, it’s a smart move to hire a good SEO company in India to take care of your brand’s optimization aspects.