How to increase milk supply
Increase milk supply
Motherhood is precious, most loveable experience of any woman’s life but it comes with many challenges and sleepless nights. Breastfeeding is part of this journey and it starts as soon as you become a mother, even though the preps have started by the body, when you conceive. Breastfeeding is associated with numerous benefits and is universally recommended as the preferred method of infant feeding. It is best because it provides your baby with the right nutrients and antibodies to grow but sometimes mothers face a low milk supply issue, they become worried and stressed to know how to increase milk supply lactation supplements?
The panic and worry is obvious, just because it is linked to their new born. Don’t worry! The best way to increase your
1- Latching position
Ensuring a proper latch while breastfeeding your little one could be the most ideal way to increase milk supply. It is an easy way that can easily be done at home and could drain the milk from your breasts efficiently. Therefore, when you have fed your baby with a good latching position, your breasts become soft and you feel much relaxed plus your body responds to it and so it stimulates to produce more milk. Plus your baby is good to go to sleep at a stretch because he is no longer hungry now. Similarly, a poor latch is often a main reason that a mother’s supply of breast milk is not sufficient.
2- Nurse frequently
The rule of demand and supply, applies really well on this journey of breastfeeding. The struggle of how to increase milk supply is really tough on many newly turned mothers. The rule is simple though, the more the baby sucks the milk, the body gets the message to make more milk. it is advised to at least feed your baby eight times in twenty four hours, that means every three hours. When the baby is latching on to your breasts properly with frequent ratio, the body is signaled that more milk is needed. Increase the number and lengths of feeding sessions to boost and maintain milk supply.
3- Use breast compression
In the start of the breastfeeding process, babies are not that good nurses or sometimes go for a sleep while feeding. Due to this they get less milk , and remain hungry and irritant. To overcome this issue, mothers are asked to use breast compression techniques that help the baby to take in more breast milk than only by suckling. This will keep your breast milk in good flow, the baby gets satisfied and it’s simple, the more milk withdrawn means more milk produced. However, if your baby is feeding well, then you don’t need to use this trick. To compress the breast, grab it in your hand with your thumbs on one side and fingers on the other side. Press it softly and gently to release the milk.
4- Switching breasts
It is often noticed that many women are comfortable to feed from a particular breast and they feed from that side more than the other, which means they aren’t removing all the milk from the other breast. It is not at all recommended, instead it is asked to offer both the breasts per feeding session, even if the baby is uninterested and maybe sleepy too. The stimulation of breasts by baby nursing, which will help to increase milk supply, preferably at least ten minutes each side. This also increases fat content in milk which is a healthy thing.
5- Use of a breast pump
Many times your baby falls deep sleep and you miss a feeding session, also when your baby is born premature and is in nursery away from you, and if he is facing some medical constraints like tongue tie, cleft palate problem that makes it difficult for the baby to suck the breasts. Pump the milk and store it in bottles, so naturally each time milk is removed, the body receives the message to make more milk. Many good quality of both manual and electric pumps are available in markets, for the convenience and comfort of mother. Just a little advice, warm and massage your breasts before pumping can help remove more milk efficiently and you feel easier on your breasts, therefore increasing milk production.
6- Balanced diet and hydration
Breastmilk is a liquid gold that is made from up to 90% of water, so your fluid requirement increases in the mother’s body, while you are feeding your infant. You must be drinking plenty of water (at least 8 glasses) per day, along with fruit juices, tea and milk too. If you feel headache, lethargic, or feel thirsty, it is a sign of dehydration and you must be focusing on fluids.
Mothers are stressed about how to increase milk supply quickly and smoothly but they are ignorant towards their diet. Balanced diet is a key point for women’s better health and good quality milk. Your food is the fuel to your breast milk, so it is advisable to eat well while you are nursing your baby. You need energy, strength and extra calories to cope with your feeding responsibility. Add well balanced meals and healthy snacks in your daily routine. Many foods like oatmeal, barley, nuts, leafy veggies are considered very effective to boost milk supply.
7- Galactagogue and lactation treats
In many cultures, grandmothers, elders and experienced mothers suggest mothers to introduce herbs and various foods that help increase your milk, they are commonly known as galactagogue. The famous and reliable are fenugreek, fennel, barley, oats, brewer’s yeast and the list is long. You can make teas of these herbs. Mums are also offered with lactation treats like emergency brownies, lactation consultants at Clookies, smoothies to make milk supply abundant. These remedies do work but always speak to your doctor before introducing them in your diet.
Summing up
The best possible way to increase a steady supply of mother’s milk is to start feeding your baby as early as possible, following with a good feeding frequency and a good latching position. Mothers must have a good diet, take proper sleep and stay calm to ensure their best health.