If you love seafood, then it’s important to know how to handle and store seafood safely. With seafood being a part of many people’s diets, it can be difficult finding restaurants that serve fresh seafood. But if you’re cooking seafood at home, or buying your own seafood from the grocery store, there are some things you need to know about storing seafood properly before it goes bad. In this article, we’ll cover 8 tips for handling and storing seafood safely.
Tip #01: If you purchased from a seafood delivery in Melbourne, keep seafood in a cold environment. Seafood should be stored at 32°F or less and the fridge is usually about 40°F, but seafood will last longer if you keep it on ice that’s been frozen for over 24 hours.
Tip #02: Citrus fruits like limes and lemons have antimicrobial properties so try squeezing some juice onto freshly caught fish as soon as possible after catching them to prevent bacterial growth while waiting for cooking time!
Tip #03: Remove seafood from the fridge about an hour before cooking time so that they can warm up and become more pliable for handling when you’re ready to cook them!
Tip #04: Make sure seafood is fully thawed before cooking because undercooked seafood could spoil very easily.
Tip #05: Eat seafood as soon as possible after purchasing it or catching them fresh; don’t let seafood sit out at room temperature for too long (a few hours) without refrigerating first because bacteria will still grow even if there’s ice in the container with the food items.
Tip #06: Always be sure that seafood has been cooked thoroughly before eating. Serve immediately after cooking if possible or put into a sealed container and refrigerate until ready to serve. Remember that shrimp will continue to cook even after they’ve been taken out of the heat, so do watch them closely while they’re being heated up. And note that some shrimps have chemical agents added to them to make them easier to peel, so be sure you know what seafood you are buying.
Tip #07: Keep seafood away from other foods in the refrigerator. Raw seafood should not touch any cooked food as it can contaminate and spoil both types of food! This also goes for things like fresh fruit and vegetables that will go bad anyways after being with seafood for a while.
Tip #08: Do not store seafood near raw meat or poultry since they attract pests such as flies and maggots which lay eggs on the surfaces of these meats causing bacteria that are hazardous to your health when consumed by humans. You’ll want to keep seafood at least six inches away from all other foods in order to prevent this kind
Conclusion: Now that you’re armed with these seafood tips, it’s time to get cooking some fresh seafood. Don’t forget to eat your seafood as soon as possible after purchasing or catching them fresh because undercooked seafood can spoil very easily and should only be left out at room temperature for a few hours when they are fully thawed already. So what are you waiting for? Get in the kitchen and cook up something good! You deserve it!