A well decorated and furnished living room attracts every eyeball and is a matter of pride. Looking to face-lift your living room? Add that missing zing or break away from the same old pattern? Among the numerous living room paint ideas, an accent wall can be just the right choice that will assist you in adding texture to your living space and making a statement. Catering the fetish for this new trend, there are a lot of companies particularly providing accent wall color solutions. These colors are developed with the best properties and are super affordable. You can begin by checking Indigo paints price among the various options available. Generally, it has been observed that people select the first wall in the line of sight to be their accent wall; however, it’s not always the best option. There are a lot of factors involved in selecting the right wall otherwise it can turn out to be the wrong wall in the wrong room, showing you out-of-the-game.
Here are some living room paint ideas that will help you in planning your approach and bring a new life to your living room:
Zero in on the wall: Selecting the right wall is of paramount importance. Decide upon a focal point in the room. It can be the wall on which TV is mounted, a wall with your favorite framed photos or an elaborate painting, etc. If you are not satisfied with the four walls, you can also decide the accent wall to be your ceiling (fifth wall). A word of caution here, if possible, try and avoid walls with large windows, doors, built-in cabinets, etc, because you will not have much of an area to play around with.
Choosing the color: Here are some points to help you in deciding the color for your accent wall. Keep in mind the color of the adjacent walls. It is usually better to keep the color of the accent wall one shade lighter or darker than the other walls in the living space. Pick a color which is complimenting the décor and the furnishings in your living space. There should be enough contrast yet with an adequate amount of synchrony.
Bold and bright vs. softer hues: There is no set benchmark or standard in terms of choosing or picking the kind of shade. It completely depends on what you have in mind. A bright color accent wall can light up the otherwise subtle surrounding or the touch of softer hues can calm down the already loud and bright character of the room.
Accent wall designs: A few designs that can help you in making that signature move:
- Texture painting: Unlike regular paints, texture paints help you add a certain amount of design elements to your wall. You can select from numerous options available today such as dabbing, spooning, detailing, etc.
- Paneled wall with LEDs: To give your living space an ultra-modern look, you can also opt for a paneled accent wall underlining LED stripes.
- Checks and horizontal stripes: using checks or horizontal stripes on your wall can help you in achieving that wallpaper-like effect.
- Grid/ patterns: You can also make certain patterns such as a star, beehive, etc. on your accent wall to make more of a statement.
- Murals: An elaborate mural home design on the wall will work as a better alternative to a framed artwork.
In the end, be sure a wall is more than just space. You can face-lift your living space entirely, making a sheer masterpiece out of genius provided you put some imagination and creativity into it.