Blepharitis refers to the inflammation of the eyelid. Although not communicable or sight-threatening, the condition can induce visual discomfort and is the most prevalent cause of dry eyes. If you are suspect any of the symptoms discussed below, you must immediately reach out to an Eye Specialist in Islamabad before your eye erupts with other complications.
Who Is At Risk?
Blepharitis is more likely to occur in patients who have a co-existing ocular inflammatory reaction to the normal eyelid flora or eyelash mites, as well as disorders like seborrhoeic dermatitis (rosacea) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). People who have dandruff on their scalp are more likely to have dandruff on their eyelashes as well; therefore managing dandruff can substantially reduce the symptoms.
How Does Blepharitis Appear?
The condition usually occurs bilaterally as a result of clogging of the oil glands near the base of the eyelids. Following are the set of signs and symptoms that characterizes blepharitis; they are typically worse in the morning.
- Watery eyes (lacrimation)
- Red eyes
- Burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
- Itchiness
- Red, swollen eyelids (erythema in eyelids)
- Crusted eyelashes
- Glued, matted eyelashes
- Frequent blinking
- Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
- Intermittent blurred vision that improves with constant blinking
- Flaking of the skin around the eyes
- Greasy eyelids
The chronic conditions are remittent, with brief episodes of eyelid inflammation followed by a phase of no symptoms before an abrupt relapse.
How Do You Treat Blepharitis?
For most cases of blepharitis, self-care procedures like cleansing eyes and application of warm compresses suffice. In case of inadequacy, your doctor would eventually manage you conservatively with:
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Antimicrobial medications
- Treatment of the underlying diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea, etc
Preventive Measures:
- To dislodge crusty deposits on your eyelids, place a warm compress over your closed eye for a few minutes.
- Lightly massage your eyelids using a clean washcloth or clean hands.
- Wipe away sticky debris or scales at the roots of your eyelashes as soon as possible with a clean washcloth or cotton-tipped applicator dampened with warm water and a few drops of diluted baby shampoo. Each eye necessitates a separate clean towel.
- If prescribed with topical antimicrobial ointment, end the cleansing process by applying some on the clean eyelids.
- Using over-the-counter artificial tears can eliminate the dryness of your eyes.
- If your blepharitis is caused by dandruff, contact your doctor for a dandruff shampoo recommendation. Using a dandruff shampoo to treat your blepharitis symptoms could help.
- Tea tree oil shampoo applied to your eyelashes on a daily basis may assist to eliminate mites. Continue using it only if the tea tree oil is not acting as an irritant. Alternatively, using a 50% tea tree oil, which is available over-the-counter, to gently scrub your lids once a week can be extremely effective. If you cannot discern any improvement after six weeks, consulting your doctor becomes essential.
Despite all the prevention methods, if the blepharitis symptoms do not resolve, you must contact the Best Eye Specialist in Lahore for consultation.