When health problems arise, one of the first thoughts most people have is to schedule an appointment with their physician. And most will want to be seen sooner rather than later. That said, there are two types of practitioners that will almost immediately come to mind when most find themselves in need of medical care, traditional medical doctors and holistic doctors. While most can easily understand the role of the former, the latter is another matter entirely. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at what separates holistic doctors from their traditional counterparts and why this unique field of medicine is becoming more mainstream.
Where It Comes From and Who Can Benefit From It: Demystifying Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine incorporates many aspects of healing that are not usually part of traditional medicine. In essence, holistic doctors focus their efforts on treating the whole person, meaning the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. And this approach is unique insofar that it addresses the specific health issue that an individual is facing while contemporaneously promoting homeostasis. By comparison, traditional doctors prioritize treating an immediate health problem and providing relief from the associated symptoms.
Of course, there are many more differences between holistic and traditional doctors insofar as both practitioners also tend to have differing views concerning preventative medicine. Traditional, non-holistic doctors, for example, might order blood tests for a patient as part of a comprehensive health screening. And they will review the result of these tests to determine whether an individual has or is at risk of eventually developing a chronic health problem of some kind. A holistic doctor will do the same, but they seldom stop short at blood tests. Many, for example, will guide patients on steps they can take to boost immunity naturally, which can fend off illnesses and keep the body functioning optimally. Some of these steps include eating foods rich in vitamin B6 and vitamins C and E. According to a study published by Harvard Health Publishing and further backed by many holistic doctors across the U.S., the following can help in this regard as well:
- Getting plenty of sleep each night
- Regular exercise
- Limiting alcohol consumption
- Not smoking
- Keeping stress to a minimum
- Getting vaccinated as needed
Understanding the Hype Behind Holistic Medicine
Because holistic medicine focuses on the whole body rather than just a single aspect of it, which is typically the case in traditional medicine, many people find it fascinating. And this fascination has led to many of these same individuals turning to holistic doctors to treat mainstream diseases and even a few less severe health problems. Some of these diseases and comparatively less severe health problems include the following:
General physical health – To the surprise of many people, some holistic doctors are just as capable of treating hormonal imbalances as endocrinologists. And in doing so, they have drastically improved the physical health and overall well-being of many of their patients. However, it should be made abundantly clear that not all holistic doctors are the same. For instance, not all of them cannot legally prescribe medications to their patients. The ones who can and routinely do so are the ones that have earned a Doctor of Medicine Degree (M.D.) and who have chosen to practice integrative medicine instead of traditional medicine.
These practitioners will almost always have a tremendous appreciation for how the physical body, emotions, and spirituality are all intertwined. This appreciation and, some might argue, fascination is what makes holistic doctors with a traditional medical degree an ideal choice for those struggling with symptoms brought on by a hormonal imbalance, especially those synonymous with having low human growth hormone (HGH) levels or a full-on deficiency. For reference, low HGH levels in one’s bloodstream can trigger the following symptoms:
- Thinning hair
- Decreased muscle mass and strength
- An inability to concentrate
- Memory problems
- Dry skin
- Chronic fatigue
- Heart problems
- High cholesterol levels
- Insulin resistance
- Low bone density
- Osteoporosis
- Sensitivity to heat and cold
- Low energy and stamina
- Increased belly fat
Sexual health – Another area of medicine that allows holistic doctors to shine has to do with sexual health. And this is because good or bad sexual health often hinges on the number of hormones circulating in an individual’s bloodstream. For this reason, many holistic doctors, much like epidemiologists, will look into whether or not low HGH, testosterone, or estrogen, is contributing to low libido, vaginal dryness, and other factors that often interfere with how individuals feel about themselves sexually. Get in to discover Hormones and sex drive topic deeper.
And given that hormonal imbalances can set the stage for anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses that can adversely affect sexual health, this is also something that these practitioners will address as part of the overall patient evaluation. If the physician concludes that a hormonal imbalance is the cause of the patient’s sexual or mental health problems, he or she will likely recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Hormone Replacement Therapy and Holistic Medicine: How the Combination Can Lead to Better Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Sexual Health
When it comes to holistic doctors, there are several kinds. And they each approach caring for patients slightly differently. The only ones that are officially licensed to practice medicine are integrative physicians and osteopaths. Of these, integrative physicians are the ones who typically treat low HGH, testosterone, estrogen, and other hormonal imbalances. Further, integrative physicians are the ones who will typically prescribe HRT to patients. That said, it is not uncommon for either of these two practitioners to refer patients to ayurvedic or naturopathic holistic doctors.
The combination of treatments provided by these practitioners, not to mention dietary and other lifestyle recommendations they provide, can help boost low libido, fight off mental health disorders, and elevate one’s overall mood. Some individuals have even correlated holistic medicine with improved self-esteem and feeling better spiritually. And all of this goes back to the fact that holistic medicine addresses the whole person rather than just a specific health problem.
Bottom Line
All in all, there is no shortage of physicians that individuals can turn to for help when they are not feeling well. And this includes general physicians, specialists, and, yes, holistic doctors. The onus, however, is on the individual to choose the physician that is a good match for them based on their unique needs and specific health problem.