COVID has changed everybody’s lives, for better or for worse, but there have been many drastic changes overall in the world. Especially when it comes to offices and workspaces and how people operate. Some companies have allowed their employees to work from home, while the rest have to go to work. In companies with no option but to call employees to the office, there might be some hesitation from the employees. Still, modern office furniture and comfortable, safe workspaces play such a vital role in making them feel at ease to come to work.
Apart from home, the office is the second place people spend most of their time in a day, making it their second home. Hence, it is crucial for any company to make their workspaces colourful and comfortable, such that the employee leaves work, looking forward to coming in the next day.
Trends that have been incorporated post-COVID-19:
1. Re-defining the definition of personal spaces:
With the new social distancing regulations, it has become a need to provide the employees with more personal spaces to work, such that they are not crammed up with one another. If the office space is already small, then more changes need to be made. Modern office furniture can be installed that come with a safety screen separating each desk. The employees can communicate seamlessly with their teammates and be safe against any virus transfer because of these “sneeze screens”. It will improve the working conditions in the office space.
2. Open Plan layout up-gradation in office space:
The trend these days is to come with new office layouts, preferably re-doing the space to incorporate an open plan, with modern office furniture, comfortable lounge chairs, and many more additions. It is not a relatively standard office layout, but with changing times, new additions and adjustments must be made for safety and to see an increase in productivity. Business establishments are utilizing 3D interactive indoor map solutions for ease of navigation in the workplace. It is essential to identify the high traffic zones in the office space, usually the kitchen, entry and exit points of the office, conference rooms, etc. The open plan ensures that people do not get in each other’s way, especially in high traffic areas.
3. New devices/tech being incorporated:
Today, most companies have started adding better, modern office furniture and incorporating modern-day technology and sensors in their office space, again, to focus mainly on the areas with high traffic like the kitchen/lounge areas. It is being done so there is a bare minimum of physical contact between the employee and the surfaces with which most employees might come into contact. For instance, automated doors that do not have handles have been installed to enter contactless. There are sensors, soap dispensers and automatic sinks to avoid touching the surfaces.
Government officials need to have access audio visuals to as much information as possible at all times and must have a robust nerve center when dealing with an incident.
It is fantastic to see how workspaces have started adopting and moulding how they function to make the individual feel safe. Investing in new, better, and improved furniture and technology will surely help design a beautiful, safe space. One need not make any drastic changes to the room, but it is always better to invest in new décor, as these changes seem to be for the long haul, and COVID will take time to subside, but there is always hope to live happily and work more efficiently. Stay safe and have a productive workday!