For diabetic dogs, the most important thing is to avoid carbs as much as possible. Pet parents should always feed their diabetic pets as advised by their vet and this is one of the key pieces of advice they will hear.
Having cheap pet insurance serves both your interests if your dog has developed this medical condition much later in life. Precisely, after you have bought a pet health insurance policy. You don’t need to pay for the diagnosis and treatment, your insurer would do the needful. We advise you to start a policy early to avail maximum coverage of having pet insurance.
Anything with a carbohydrate content greater than 30% is considered harmful for a dog with diabetes. Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus as it is known in pets, is characterised by a high blood sugar level because of the body’s inability to produce or respond to insulin. When dogs eat, their pancreases produce insulin to assist in managing blood glucose levels by moving glucose out of the blood and into the body’s cells, where it may be used as a source of fuel for the body.
When insulin is most active, your dog’s blood glucose level climbs. Consistently and routinely feeding your dog throughout the day can help keep its blood sugar levels in line. It’s also important to feed your dog the same type of dog food every time as glucose levels fluctuate when meals are switched from one to another.
It is fairly well known that the Glycobalance formula dry food from Royal Canin or its canned food version is an excellent choice for dogs with high blood sugar levels. Glucose fluctuations in diabetic dogs are minimised when both soluble and insoluble fibres are considered.
Soluble fibres are drawn to water, resulting in a gel-like consistency and slow digestion. Since they do not dissolve in water, fibrous foods travel through the digestive tract intact. Both contribute to a healthy digestive system and help minimise blood sugar swings.
Ask your veterinarian which fibres are safe for your dog. Feeding two equally spaced meals per day before delivering insulin is the most common method for diabetic dogs who require or do not require insulin.
Also note that in the opinion of some veterinarians, diets marketed for pets with sensitive stomachs are highly digestible and intended for rapid absorption of nutrients. This, in turn, contributes to higher blood glucose levels in diabetic dogs.
If a diabetic dog food formula works for your dog, make sure you continue with it.
When it comes to treats for your dog outside mealtime, these should be given in moderation. Refined and sugary treats should be limited, and processed foods should be avoided whenever possible. Only 10 percent of a dog’s daily nutritional allotment should come from treats. If your dog has diabetes, you’ll want to pick treats that won’t spike its blood glucose levels. You will need to know everything about dog diabetes.
It is not just pets that are affected by diabetes; it also affects their families. Around 1 in 300 dogs and 1 in 230 cats will develop diabetes over their lifetime. Dogs’ quality of life is negatively affected, and their life expectancy is shortened, often requiring expensive therapies.
Puppy insurance to cover diabetes is possible, provided you are insured before the condition emerges – otherwise it is deemed a pre-existing condition. If you want to keep your pet financially safe from diabetes in future, you’ll need to act immediately. In the event of an unexpected veterinary cost, your comprehensive pet insurance quote provider will aid you. It is essential to choose the best pet insurance company that offers coverage for a wide range of treatments, from accidents to illnesses, dental and beyond.