Doing an HVAC Installation the Right Way
Think carefully before picking your next HVAC system. There are lots of great products out there, but not all of them are adequate for everyone. Some HVACS are built for apartments, while others function better for larger homes.
First, there are residential and commercial HVACs with no central heating. These are usually placed in a location that’s close to a window, where compressed air is circulated inside through a tube that’s drilled in the wall. They’re often seen in small apartments or homes with no ducts.
For most consumers, the standard HVAC is what’s needed. Check to see if your ducts will properly align with your HVAC of choice. In many cases, this is something better left to an HVAC specialist.
Still, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t know as much as you can about sizing. Install an improperly-sized HVAC into your ducts and you’ll end up with a machine that’s strained past its limits. Over time, this will result in a system that doesn’t last very long and is rife with unforeseen repair work. Again, this is something that you typically won’t have an issue with when contracting an HVAC technician.
Peninsula air conditioning Heating and Cooling Solutions proudly offers an extended 7-year warranty on Brivis, Rinnai and Daikin products.
The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, also abbreviated as SEER, is a barometer for the performance of an HVAC system. Based on the conditions where the HVAC is in operation, a higher SEER rating indicated better overall efficiency and minimal power consumption. In other words, good ratings mean that your home or apartment will stay comfortable with no exorbitant costs on your energy bill. For the typical residence, you should look for HVACs with a SEER rating of at least 13 or higher.
Durability is something else that’s not talked about much. It’s generally assumed at most HVACs are durable by nature, given that they’re all kept outdoors. But systems made with easily bendable pieces tend to age the fastest. Compressor quality is equally important. You don’t want to find yourself replacing the grille with too many dents after the system’s first year of operation.
Sure, it’s difficult to tell what is and isn’t best in terms of durability. Al the more reason to leave it up to an HVAC technician.
Lastly, what does the setting in your home look like? If your house has numerous openings to the outside with no air-tight seals, get them fixed before updating your system. This might be easier or harder for some, but necessary to prevent premature aging of the HVAC system. You’ll also save a lot in energy costs when it gets nippy outside.
If there’s anything for you to remember, it’s that you shouldn’t go in blind. Let people that handle HVACs on the regular install your system, and you’ll be guaranteed to have a comfortable living space.