Lupin has been used by people for more than four millennia. The very first began to cultivate “White Lupine” in Ancient Greece, then in Roman Empire and Egypt.
Today lupin is being produced everywhere as a vegetable. For food purposes, there are two suitable varieties: White and Changeable lupine. Lupine oil almost does not differ in composition from an olive. Easy to grow makes lupine readily available for anyone.
Benefits of lupin:
First of all, it is a complete protein – 50%. Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C. And also a rich spectrum of mineral salts: potassium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, selenium, manganese. There is an abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (5-20%). Raw beans have a protein mass of 2.7%, in dry it reaches 40%. There is a glycoprotein – a substance that can replace insulin. Lupin has a lot of useful properties, contains biologically active substances, is successfully used for nutrition, medicine, pharmacology. Possesses anesthetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, laxative, tonic action. Regular use normalizes the digestive tract, improves the function of the cardiovascular system, increases resistance to viruses and infections.
Proven ability of lupine to lower cholesterol, treat diabetes. Oil produced from lupine, has identical properties of olive, flaxseed and amaranth, is an active antioxidant. Lupin is effective for maintaining beauty, improvement of skin, hair, and helps to fight cardiac and vascular problems.
How to choose a good lupin:
Lupin beans go on sale in dry form. When purchasing a product, you should make sure that there are no foreign impurities, debris, in the integrity of the packaging, or expiration date. Grains must be free of mechanical damage and whitish coating.
With independent growing, the collection must be done after full ripening. Slightly dry and a yellowed pod means technical ripeness. Ground Lupini Beans retain properties and remain useful for one year. Dry seeds have excellent keeping quality, the period increases to 3 years, it is important to observe the correct conditions. Storage provides for a dark, dry, ventilated place, in a paper package. You can also grow lupin beans. If you don’t know how, there are facebook groups where people share receipts, life hacks and advice and where they praise their plants and prepared foods. If you will not find it, well maybe this is a sign that you can open a facebook group and be sure, people who have the same passion will enjoy you. Some groups are having so many members that owners can make some cash on advertisements in groups.
How to cook lupini beans:
In nutrition lupine is being used black, brown, and cream. Because of the bitter
it is impossible to eat them when fresh. Heat treatment removes this disadvantage in 10 minutes. Beans are being used in different ways: they are being cooked in soups, make
vegetable stew, desserts, added to combined meat dishes, used to make sauces. Lupine flour is used for baking bread. The neutral taste allows combining lupine with any food. It is useful to combine with tomatoes, onions, garlic, cheeses, nuts, cottage cheese, and herbs. Variants are harmonious with boiled vegetables: carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin.
Side effects:
Sometimes lupine seeds cause allergic reactions associated with intolerance to some
components. In high doses, flatulence may occur. Raw beans contain poisonous alkaloid compounds that cause a deterioration in the functions of the respiratory system, intoxication.
Besides all mentioned above benefits, lupin beans are also being used in cosmetology and medicine. In cosmetology, lupine promotes rejuvenation, cleansing pores, eliminating age-related changes, and hair growth stimulation. In traditional medicine soaked green lupine seeds are combined with olive oil and used in bandages for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, gout, and radiculitis.
Lupin bean – an extremely unpretentious plant. This is evidenced even by its name, which comes from the Latin word “lupus”, that is, “wolf”. Just like its predator namesake, lupine is able to survive in the most adverse conditions. Have you heard about all these beneficial facts about this ‘’superbean’’?